Single's Day glow: Parul Gulati dazzles in #YouAreGold campaign that celebrates the journeys of extraordinary women

Harper’s Bazaar India and the World Gold Council have united their efforts in the #You Are Gold campaign, shedding light on women who have paved distinctive routes to success.

Harper's Bazaar India

"Gold’s malleability is what gives it its value. People, too, are most valuable when they're flexible and adaptable." — Seth Godin

This analogy elegantly underscores the journey of Bazaar India X World Gold Council’s campaign #YouAreGold muse, Parul Gulati. The campaign celebrates the ease with which the new age woman is embracing herself today. Celebrated on 11.11, Single’s Day resonates with a woman's transformative journey, much like gold's evolution into exquisite jewellery. Just as gold has unrefined potential, we hold untapped beauty, individuality, and self-worth within.

In the Indian entertainment industry and the burgeoning start-up ecosystem, her name reverberates with significance. Having worked in Punjabi cinema and prominent OTT productions, Parul deftly extended her entrepreneurial footprint into the realm of hair extensions through her venture, Nish Hair. Going beyond the superficial aspects of hair, she recognised the connection between one's hair and their sense of self-esteem and confidence.

Akin to gold's seamless adaptability, she radiates brilliance in her dual capacities as an actor and entrepreneur. Her versatility echoes gold's ability to assume diverse forms and purposes. As she graces screens with her acting prowess, she also shines as a dynamic entrepreneur. Just as gold effortlessly transforms, Parul excels in all the different roles she assumes, embodying the true spirit of adaptability and success.

The parallels are striking. Gold's transition involves stepping out of its comfort zone, much like singles' pursuit of personal growth amid life's twists and turns. Just as skilled artisans mould gold into stunning pieces, we, too, evolve and refine ourselves through resilience. Gold's perfection through polishing is like a woman's personal growth that is a result of overcoming life's challenges.

This Singles Day, let us revel in the versatility and beauty of ourselves, mirroring the multifaceted career of Parul Gulati. The single life is a canvas for expressing our individuality. Like gold symbolises her journey, our pursuit of personal growth and self-worth shines brightly.

“In a world filled with conformity, my work allows me to express my individuality. I look to my favourite gold pendant as a reflection of my individuality.”


Parul Gulati elegantly dons a delicate gold necklace for the campaign, a symbol of her unique journey. She embraces the belief that her work, whether it's her captivating performances on-screen or her entrepreneurial ventures, serves as the purest medium for self-expression. Just as the intricacies of the gold necklace reflect her narrative, each role she undertakes mirrors her dynamic spirit and the multifaceted layers of her artistic and entrepreneurial identity.

In a collaborative endeavor, Harper's Bazaar India and the World Gold Council unite for their "You Are Gold" initiative, an ode to accomplished women exemplifying resilience and determination. This campaign finds its inspiration in the extraordinary journeys of these women who've forged distinctive paths. It pays sincere tribute to the pivotal moments that have shaped their trajectories and celebrates their indomitable spirit. Amid a world of constant change, it serves as a compelling reminder that indeed, #YouAreGold, and your unique story deserves to be celebrated.

Watch Parul’s unique journey here