Simple tips to deal with post-festival blues after your long Diwali break

Emotion regulation is the key.


You’re back after spending the long festive weekend with your loved ones, attending one soiree after another, indulging in sweets, and hoping the week never ends. But after the highs, comes the lows. After the festivities, comes normalcy. Post-festival blues is a thing.  

Why do you feel the post-festival blues after long holidays? 

Heightened stimulation: Festivals bring in a heightened sense of joy and a spike in social interactions, and it is well above what we are used to handling on a regular basis. After the festivities, when you go back to your routine and mundane chores, it all feels less exciting. This sudden drop from a high-stimulating environment to normal causes you to feel low and down like you have nothing to look forward to.

Emotional exhaustion: The high energy and emotional investment during get-togethers can be exhausting. Festivals involve a lot of rituals and social interactions with friends and family, but at the end of it all, when you return home, it's just you, your house chores and your work routine. It's likely that you feel a sense of loss and get a little anxious, but let it pass. 

A disruption in routine: Festivals disrupt your routine and the return to normal can be challenging especially when the long holidays give you a temporary escape from everyday stressors and make you feel comfortable. Going back to how life was, can be problematic.

How to deal with post-festival blues and go back to your routine

It's important to understand that it's normal and very common to experience post-festival blues. For most people, the feeling is a natural transition and not a permanent phase. To navigate the transition better, take time out to appreciate the memories you made during those days rather than delving on the negative feelings. Reflect on the good times and practice gratitude. Here are some other ways that will help you beat the post-festival blues and get used to routine after a long holiday.

Stop comparing: Constantly checking other people's updates on social media and comparing with them can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. If someone has an extended vacation or posts about all their high points during the festival even after it is over, it can make you feel FOMO. 

So, to begin with, limit your social media exposure and avoid comparing. Focus on your unique experiences and connections. Think about how your Diwali was special; it is more important than anything else. 


Ease back in: Try to not jump back into your routine the very next day after a long break. Start by incorporating small things that help you get back to normal. For instance, take an extra leave after all the celebrations and spend the day organising, lazing, or even planning for the next day. Maybe check your emails to get a head start. And whenever you get some free time, catch up with your friends and family so you don’t miss them too much.

It’s also a good time to check and re-evaluate your schedule and balance out responsibilities. If you’ve noticed that you’re overworking, you can choose to do things differently. Furthermore, rest and self-care are important. Just because you had a long festive holiday doesn’t mean you need to burn yourself out in the next few weeks. 

Inputs by Sherene Aftab, founder of Serene Hour Counselling & Career Advice Consultancy, Mehezabin Dordi, clinical psychologist, Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai

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