What to do when you’re feeling too sad and moody to get out of bed

We all have those days!


Nobody ever has “just great” or even all-neutral days. We’ve all had days when we felt exhilarated, and were brimming with internal peace. And we've also had days that felt like a bitter gourd—you don’t like them, but you know that despite their bitter, mood-killing abilities, they are still good for you. And if you’re having one of those sad days you know how difficult it can be to get out of bed.

Please note that this is not about clinical depression or a mental wellness issue. If you are having a depressive episode, seek therapy because getting out of bed may be much harder then. But if you know it’s just a gloomy day—like the morning after a break-up or when you're going through an existential crisis—here’s what you can do to feel a little better and be able to get out of bed. 

Keep your day simple

When you’re feeling low, you don't really feel like doing anything. So just keep it simple! Do only the things you absolutely must and set little goals for the day like taking a shower, eating your meals on time, and so on. And every time you complete one goal, give yourself a pat on the back.

Be accountable

Here's the thing, being sad because your partner was an idiot the previous day is fine but you wouldn’t want to lose your job or a client over it. You may delegate a few things to your colleagues or push some tasks to the next day but be answerable for some things. The motivation to continue employment will push you to get out of bed and do something—even if you do it a little grumpily at this point.

Set multiple reminders

When you have a bed, a little sadness in your heart, and an ocean of relatable bitter-sweet posts on social media, it’s difficult to keep track of your doom scrolling. Set alarms that will help you realise that the bedsheet doesn’t need your weight on it to stay put on the bed. You can get up and let it do its thing.

Recall some of your good moments of the past month

In that moment of pessimism, we tend to feel like every day has been a disaster. And while many of those may have been so, it’s not true for all of them. So lie down and visualise the good, peaceful moments you had in the past 30 days. It can be your unrestrained laugh at a terrible joke your friend cracked or the time you felt proud of yourself at work. It can also be that morning you woke up surprisingly rejuvenated. Think about these moments and you might just feel better in that moment.

Talk to a friend

Talk to someone whom you know has a light vibe and can instantly cheer you up. They may offer advice or simply offer a listening ear, they may crack a joke or two or tell you a story to distract you from what is bothering you. We often underestimate what a pleasant human interaction can do to our moods.

Don't draw your curtains

When you had a fight with boo and you’re drowning in melancholy, you may feel like shutting the drapes and immersing yourself in darkness, to go with your current vibe. Please don’t do that. Let the light in—both in your room and your dark, dramatic soul. It will definitely improve your mood.

Keep a care kit handy

If you have a serious case of sadness-borne laziness, make sure your care kit is ready and right next to your bed. It can have anything that makes you happy—skincare products, chocolates, happy pictures, a mandala kit, a journal—the list goes on. Indulge in it while you listen to music that either soothes you or makes you cry ugly tears (catharsis is important too).

Fetch for compliments

It’s perfectly okay to seek words of affirmation from loved ones when you know that will help. They love you and would love to shower you with some extra appreciation when you need it. For instance, tell your hype girls you’re feeling low and in urgent need of love, and watch your cheerleaders drown you in pure affection and admiration. Love heals, so ask for it and let it be a strong support in your journey of reflection.

Also read: Here are sad-sweet things to do when you miss your partner

Also read: Why do sad songs make us feel better?

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