How to manifest the job of your dreams

You will get there!


Years ago, I decided I wanted to be a fashion/lifestyle journalist and work for a magazine. Back then, publications were still exploring the possibilities of the digital platform. I may have not anticipated writing for the web but I have been manifesting the job I have right now since then. A young girl with big dreams of having her name published in her favourite publications; she believes in the power of manifestation, a little more with this job.

All of us have dreams of being in a particular company or job and we work hard to fulfil those. With the universe on our side, we can attract it while putting in the effort required to get what we desire. 
If you’re wondering how you can manifest the job of your dreams as I did, here are a few tips. 

First, be clear about what you want 

You may be attracted to a certain brand or job profile, but ask yourself if you really want it. What makes you want to manifest this job? Do you know enough about what it will entail? For instance, many people think working for a fashion magazine is all about turning up to work dressed in the season’s latest and sipping on some matcha latte while you type at leisure with your well-manicured hands. In reality, it’s about keeping your eyes peeled for newsworthy content, meeting deadlines, turning up sleep-deprived at work, and hoping the coffee will make your creative juices flow. 

When you are aiming for a job, it’s important to know the good and the difficult side of it. You need to gauge if you have the required skills and are open to enhancing your knowledge and honing your skills. The first step to manifesting your dream job is knowing all about it. 

Never say ‘never’ 

Sometimes, you undermine yourself and say things like, ‘I am probably not good enough for a certain job because you don't have it yet’ to yourself or aloud. Remember, it doesn’t matter how big your dream is. If you dream of becoming a CEO, and you have all of one year’s experience, it doesn’t mean you can’t manifest it. It just means it will take time and you may achieve it when you are ready for it. When you are waiting for things to happen, don’t lose faith. Raise your vibrations high, and believe it can and will happen for you. 

Visualise in detail 

The right way to manifest your dream job is to visualise every bit of it. Imagine how your daily life would be in that job. Visualise what you would wear, what your desk would look like, what your pen and diary be like and more—think in as much detail as possible. Think about the salary you’d be making and the financial goals you will be fulfilling. If possible, create a vision board of your dream job and place it where you can see it every day. 

Work towards it 

Several people practise affirmations and manifest their dream job, but they fail to realise that unless they have a plan and work towards it, nothing can make it happen. You need to have a realistic strategy in place to achieve your career goal. Successful people aren’t just dreaming but also putting in the effort to make things happen.

Be patient

Everything happens in its own time. Don’t give up just because you didn’t get your dream job right away. Keep believing it will happen when the time is right and when you are 

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