Debunking myths around IV therapy

In the world of beauty and wellness rituals, IV therapy is the new buzzword.


In the last couple of years, the correlation between external beauty and internal health, totalling to a holistic approach to wellness, quickly moved from being a trend to a lifestyle. After aesthetic smoothies and nutritional gummies, came the casual Instagram stories featuring a needle in the arm and a drip bag—one that promised beauty benefits. “Beauty drips, also known as IV (intravenous) therapy or vitamin drips, bypass the digestive system, allowing for quicker, more efficient and instant absorption of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream,” explains Dr Kiran Sethi, Delhi-based integrative aesthetic specialist, dermatologist and founder of Isya Aesthetics. Considering, our diet today often lacks in supplying the body with essential nutrients and promoting its absorption, IV therapy steps in as a sure-shot solution.

Popularised as beauty drips, receiving nutrients intravenously has holistic health benefits that go beyond just glowing skin or refuelling energy. From improving hydration to boosting immunity, and curing hangovers—there’s a drip for every concern.

Glutathione and beyond

Glutathione drips were the first to be promoted as beauty boosters. “Glutathione reduces oxidative stress and free radicals in the body by removing impurities,” explains Tanya Khubchandani, founder and CEO of Elixir Wellness. “It was originally used for liver conditions. But, its detoxifying properties were noticed too, as it reduced pigmentation and brightened the skin. That’s how wellness drips began to be used for beauty while remaining essential to maintaining overall health and wellness.”

Today, the list of beauty and health drips is vast, with the availability of customised vitamin cocktails based on individual needs. Dr Sethi lists Vitamin C, B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), biotin, magnesium, calcium, zinc and glutathione as the most common nutrients you can replenish via IV drips. “The ones with antioxidants, like glutathione, can help reduce inflammation and tackle skin conditions, such as, acne and eczema. Vitamin B and amino acids boost energy levels and combat fatigue. Specialised drips can alleviate symptoms of a hangover by rehydrating the body and replenishing lost nutrients,” Dr Sethi explains.

Elixir Wellness, located in Mumbai, Bengaluru and Delhi, has three categories of drips—for wellness, recovery, and beauty. “Our wellness drips are customised to address migraine prevention, hydration, stomach bugs, cold and flu, immunity, pregnancy symptoms, stress and anxiety, sleep issues, and even a metabolism boost,” says Khubchandani. “Our recovery cocktails include IVs for polycystic ovary syndrome, sports recovery, fatigue, postpartum concerns, and jet lag. Our most popular elixirs—the beauty lot—focus on hair and skin.”

The Wellness Co., which has outlets in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Gurugram, and Hyderabad—offers drips such as, NAD+ and Immuno Boost that help regenerate cells, reduce inflammation, and boost metabolism. Dr Garima Gaur, senior integrative wellness and biohacking expert at The Wellness Co. shares, “Our NAD+ formulation combines beauty boosters, amino acids, and brain phospholipids to help you regain muscle youthfulness while boosting your immunity.”

The numbers: What, when, and for how much?

While some drips only require a single session, others have a prescribed course over a few weeks or months. “For recovery and illness-based IVs, most often, just one is enough,” says Khubchandani. “For beauty elixirs, and those for metabolism boosting and migraines, a short course is prescribed by our doctors which is customised to the client’s lifestyle and goals.” The cost of a single IV can range anywhere between `2,000 and `22,000, depending on the ingredients, clinic, and the number of sessions you sign up for. “A person seeking to strengthen their immune system during flu season may benefit from more frequent sessions, whereas a person focusing on general wellness and skin health may need less frequent but regular treatments,” adds Dr Gaur.

Drip Protocols

Always consult with a certified medical professional to administer an IV drip. Dr Sethi warns of potential side effects like infection at the injection site, allergic reaction to the ingredients, vein inflammation, or bruising. It’s also important to be hydrated before and after the drip. “Ensure you have a light meal to prevent being lightheaded before your session and avoid strenuous activities immediately after,” she adds.

Intravenous drips are effective by themselves, but only to a certain degree. “Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate hydration, and a proper skincare routine can enhance the results of IV therapy,” clarifies Dr Sethi. Also, clinics like Elixir Wellness and The Wellness Co. often recommend IV therapy as a booster alongside external treatments that focus on skin and body recovery.

This article originally appeared in Harper's Bazaar India, June-July 2024 print issue.

Feature Image Credits: Getty Images

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